Friday, April 10, 2009

Kite Launch Video

Kite Launch Culminating Task

Students were presented with the following challenge:
You have been invited to take part in the celebrations of Canadian Contributions to Flight at Downsview Parks’, Air and Space Museum by designing a kite. Your kite design package must incorporate properties of air and principles of flight that will make the launch of your flying device successful. The most effective and well designed kite will be used as the postcard picture to mark this historic event.

These three guiding questions prepared for their presentation of the kite:
1. What is the history of kite flying?
2. What are the influencing factors and the inspiration in designing kites? (use Scientist in the School workshop; adaptations discussions; blog; Air & Space Museum presentation)
3. Describe the different types and forms of kites (provide images and label four forces of flight that act on the kite).

Reflections & Next Steps:
1. What were some challenges in getting your device off the ground?
2. How might you change your device to make it fly better?
3. What were some challenges your group faced in building your kite concept?